Other Valley of New Haven Officers


 Executive Committee  Scott B. Bumps, 32°, MSA 
 Program Committee  Albert R.R.  Johnson, 32°, MSA 
 Membership Committee  Kirk C. Trofatter, Jr., 32°, MSA 
 Family Life Committee  Frederick A. Marotti, 32° 
 Newsletter Committee  Timothy  C. Wilkins, 32° 
 Pathfinder Committee  Cyril  Embil, 32° 
 Blue Lodge Degree Committee  David O. Stern, 32° 


 Lodge of Perfection  Randy S. Stevens, 33° 
 Council Prince of Jerusalem  Albert R.R.  Johnson, 32° 
 Chapter of Rose Croix  Martin  Ede, MSA, 33° 


 Lodge of Perfection – Thrice Potent Master   Scott B. Bumps, 32°, MSA 
 Lodge of Perfection – Deputy Master  Bradey K. Cooney, 33° 
 Prince of Jerusalem – Sovereign Prince  Albert R.R.  Johnson, 32°, MSA 
 Prince of Jerusalem – High Priest  Scott  Atkins, 32° 
 Chapter of Rose Croix – Most Wise Master  Cyril  Emgil, 32° 
 Chapter of Rose Croix – Senior Warden  Colin C. Souney, 32° 
 Treasurer  Salvatore R. Ferrigno, Jr., 32° 
 Secretary  Jerry  Gruenbaum, 32° 
 Trustee  Bruce R. Bellmore, MSA, 33° 
 Trustee  Randy S. Stevens, 33° 
 Trustee  Christopher J. Earle, 33° 
 Lafayette Consistory – Orator  Steven P. Schreck, MSA, 33° 
 Lafayette Consistory – Master of Ceremonies  Martin  Ede, MSA, 33°